Despite all atm, it’s still business as usual with our ongoing consultation to the IP Australia review of design systems! IP Australia, the government body responsible for administrating patents, trademarks, [...]
We are proud to support our Affiliate partners Good Design Australia who helm the Good Design Awards – one of the most prestigious design awards in the world and the nation’s highest design honour ✔️ Entries [...]
After considered consultation with our event partners, our planned Melbourne Design Week program will be reschduled for later this year. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to welcoming you in the [...]
AUTHENTIC DESIGN ALLIANCE® joins the Melbourne Design Week program to spotlight the endemic problem of design theft in Australia by unpacking the importance of investing in the brands that create, make, sell and [...]
GET REAL, BUY REAL, SUPPLY REAL! AUTHENTIC DESIGN ALLIANCE® joins the Melbourne Design Week program to spotlight the endemic problem of design theft in Australia by unpacking the importance of investing in the [...]
Following our participation in the IP Australia stakeholder forum in December, we met with the research team last week to further flesh out issues we felt were yet to be included in the ongoing ACIP review into [...]
In 2016 Britain announced radical changes to UK intellectual property (IP) laws following extensive lobbying by a group of leading European brands. Among many new initiatives, the replica furniture industry was [...]
Ahead of the ongoing research by IP Australia into the review of design systems (ACIP Review), some ‘quick wins’ have been proposed for policy recommendations in the short-term. The current designs [...]
Earlier this year IP Australia announced a review into design systems that includes design registrations, trade marks, patents and other rights. As part of the review ADA® stakeholders have hosted several round [...]
The ADA® joined a day long forum at University of Sydney this week, where IP Australia chaired stakeholder-led consultation into the ongoing ACIP review into design systems. Whilst the invited group spanned [...]