Sub Heading Part 1

ADA director Anne-Maree Sargeant will lead the gender equality mentor program for Design Fringe. The Naomi Milgrom Foundation powers Design Fringe for Gender Equality with the Victorian Women’s Trust, run by [...]

DOWNLOAD ADA 09 :: Outdoor Issue, Icons & Milestones
Celebrating ADA outcomes 2016-22, read about our advocacy and the improvements to design protections against copies. Highlights include ADA Award winners at vivid design comp and Design Fringe, our exhibition and [...]

ADA Outcomes : Finally Legislation & IP Improvements!
We have had our biggest year since the ADA was founded by Cult, Living Edge, Euroluce, Ke-Zu and Stylecraft in 2010! Aside from an action-pack event and award program, we hosted talks, sponsored events and [...]

ADA in 2022 :: Awards, Partnerships and Events
From Denfair to Melbourne Design Week, Design Show to vivid, around 15,000 design lovers visited our exhibitions, awards and talks in 2022. Download our newspaper and learn more about our biggest year since [...]

AFFILIATION:: ADA x Image Makers Association Australia
We’re proud to announce our affiliation with the freshly minted industry body representing Australian photographic professionals – Image Makers Association Australia (IMMA) Formed to counter copyright [...]

ADA Keynote at Victorian Pride Centre for Design Fringe
Join us Friday, October 7th at the Victorian Pride Centre for the Design Fringe Keynote featuring designer Ella Saddington, weaver Lis de Vries, futurist and academic Bridgitte Engeler, led by ADA director [...]

CASE STUDY REVISITED :: Discount Retailer Knocks-off Local Designer
What happens when big businesses knock off local designers? When a major retail chain advertised an identical product to one they’d borrowed for a photo shoot from a small Melbourne brand, it’s no [...]

DESIGN FRINGE :: Register to Exhibit (by August 1st)
Design Fringe, the new evolution of Melbourne Fringe’s longest-running program, Fringe Furniture, will be making its home at Linden New Art in 2022. This year’s provocation is Design the Future: Don’t Waste Time, [...]

MEDIA :: DESIGN ONLINE on the ADA Vision, Journey and Outcomes
Ahead of next week’s Decor+Design show, Design Online speak with ADA director AMS about the problem, the solutions and why the industry must be more aware! The ADA has worked with D+D since 2016 to eradicate [...]

AUTHENTIC DESIGN ALLIANCE ® members enable our ongoing education, advocacy and event program and support the best future for the Australian furnishing sector.

DENFAIR rebrands as DESIGN SHOW :: 18-20 October, ICC Sydney
Join us October 18-22 at ICC Sydney for the newly rebooted Interiors Australia I Denfair, now known as DESIGN SHOW. The industry event will be held annually each October, alternating between Sydney and Melbourne. [...]

VIVID DESIGN COMP :: Meet The Next Wave of Local Design Talent
PREVIEW NEW WORK BY 2022 FINALISTS Australia’s longest-running design competition celebrates its 19th anniversary shining a spotlight on early-career furniture, lighting and object designers. VIVID has kick-started [...]