Sub Heading Part 1

Surprisingly, most of our contact with industry members affected by design theft are from the lighting sector! Independent designers, brands, importers and retailers are being savaged by online platforms and bricks [...]

ADA05 I Download our latest Tabloid
Stay informed with our latest campaigns and overview of ADA Members at DENFAIR! It is important as an industry that we remain informed – Download our latest Tabloid here GET INVOLVED & SUPPORT OUR [...]

ADA Roundtable I IP Australia review design systems
The regulatory body for patents, trade marks and design registrations is currently undertaking a review of design systems. As part of this IP Australia invited the AUTHENTIC DESIGN ALLIANCE to present a range of [...]

EASEL is a new independent initiative supporting authentic design initiated by Adam Cornish and Marcus Piper that will debut next month at DENFAIR. Eight renown creatives from disciplines spanning industrial design, [...]

AWARDS I TDF DESIGN AWARDS – $30,000 Cash Prizes
We are proud to support TDF Design Awards. The powerhouse behind Australia’s most widely read design blog Lucy Feagins has announced the debut edition of The Design Files DESIGN AWARDS! With $30,000 prize [...]

Vico Magistretti Archivio in Viaggio As part of Melbourne Design Week 2019 the Vico Magistretti Travelling Archive was brought to Australia for the first time. The Archive presents photos, images, sketches, texts [...]

MEDIA I ADA: objectives, challenges & outcomes
Learn why AUTHENTIC DESIGN ALLIANCE exists & why we urgently need to solve the replica furniture problem that’s killing the future for designers Authentic Design Alliance working with industry events to [...]

EVENT I ADA x HOME.GROWN. for Sydney Design Festival 8-10 March
HOME.GROWN. // Discovering Australian Design for Sydney Design Festival 2019 Mungo Scott Flour Mill, Summer Hill Presented by AUTHENTIC DESIGN ALLIANCE® + The Design Directory.org Curated by ADA® director Anne-Maree [...]

NEWS I Cafe Culture + Insitu rebrand to Design Nation!
Celebrating 20 years in the furnishing industry Cafe Culture + Insitu rebrands to Design Nation! As ADA Platinum members, Design Nation now offers architects and designers an exciting new destination for all [...]

ADA 2018 I 8 Festivals, 5 Industry Events, 25 Talks, 10 Workshops, 1 TEDx pitch & more!
The ADA 2018 event calendar was cemented by expanded affiliations with Sydney Design Festival (MAAS Powerhouse Museum), Design Canberra and the Australian Design Centre with Sydney Craft Week. We joined the program [...]

EXTENDED I ADA Member upgrade offer – Join NOW!
Join the Authentic Design Alliance or renew your membership before December 31st and receive extra benefits! We’re set for a massive 2019 ahead of the new campaign for IP change in Australia and the launch of [...]

EVENT I ADA x HOME.GROWN. at Design Canberra Festival
Our HOME GROWN series joined Design Canberra Festival hosted by ADA member showroom designCRAFT where award-winning furniture designers explored the importance of investing in Australian design, and the invaluable [...]